The AZYC is the roof-body organisation of nine Zionist Youth Movements which operate in Australia and New Zealand. The AZYC seeks to represent, support, and connect Zionist youth irrespective of political and religious ideology.
The Australasian Zionist Youth Council Inc (AZYC), is the roof body for Australia and New Zealand’s nine Zionist youth movements.
The AZYC, along with JAZY are committed to safeguarding children and to ensuring that all young people who attend our activities and camp are protected from harm. We take our responsibilities seriously and are always striving to create a safe, caring, and empowering environment.
The AZYC and the Movements work with the Australian Childhood Foundation to implement policies and procedures that seek to protect our chanichim from child abuse and neglect. This allows us to maintain a safe environment that encourages our Jewish youth to be educated and impassioned.
The policy and procedures listed below have allowed for the Movements to become formally accredited as an ACF Safeguarding Children organisation as of March 2013.
If you feel you need to report an event you experienced, saw, or heard, you are always able to report it to JAZY.
Or you can report the complaint to the AZYC and they will assist you.