What is JAZY?
JAZY is Adelaide's only Jewish youth movement that exists to enable every Jewish child in Adelaide the opportunity to attend a completely pluralist movement. JAZY has three main values;
1. Educating our chanich about all streams of Judaism and Zionism so that they can have a better understanding of their Jewish world as well as allowing them to develop the means to communicate with everybody in the Jewish community. We also value educating our chanich about Israel and Tikkun Olam as well as political and world issues to equip them with the knowledge and abilities they need to be global citizens.
2. Connecting the small group of Adelaide's Jewish youth with one another, and with the greater Jewish youth movement community. Providing our chanich with these opportunities to connect and relate to one another's experiences and more importantly, to form lifelong friendships is very important.
3. Equipping our chanich with the tools and supports they need to form their own Jewish identities.
To practice these values we run monthly programs, sleepovers, outreach's and a winter camp, encouraging our chanich to participate in other youth movements summer camps.
If you are interested in being involved in JAZY subscribe to our mailing list to be notified when we are running programs and other events.
Statement of Purpose:
Jewish Adelaide Zionist Youth, Inc (JAZY) is the Progressive Pluralist Jewish, Zionist youth movement of the South Australian Jewish community. It is a youth movement under the Australasian Zionist Youth Movement body. JAZY’s educational program provides a knowledge of Judaism, Zionism, community building, social justice, leadership training and personal development. Education is carried through youth camps and other activities coordinated across Australia. JAZY strives to provide a meaningful Jewish and Zionist experience to all participants while empowering the leaders of the movement to develop their leadership, informal education and managerial skills.
Objects of Jewish Adelaide Zionist Youth:
JAZY is established to be a charity whose objects are to advance Progressive Pluralist Judaism for Jewish youth by:
Conducting Progressive Pluralist Jewish services and other informal Jewish educational activities for JAZY participants and affiliates.
Educating JAZY participants about Judaism, Jewish history and Zionism on camps and at other activities.
Providing ongoing leadership training for senior participants and youth leaders by engaging with Jewish leadership principles and programs.